Monday, May 30, 2011

Blog 9A: Reflections on the Gaming presentation

I thought that although the ideas of are game design was a little ludicrous and funny the presentation itself went over all pretty good. To give you a background on the video game we created a game with a Scottish Man named Finnigan who tries to complete tasks but his evil Ex-Girlfriend Sinastra tries what ever she can to stop him. After thinking about how our presentation I came up with one weak point in our presentation and one strong point.

            The one weak point in our presentation that I thought we didn’t talk about very well was the mechanics. All we really talked about with mechanics was what buttons did what and that was it. I felt that we could of talked of more about the characters actual movement in our game. I also thought we could of down a lot better at explaining that each button did instead of just saying the controls.

            I felt that we covered goals in the game very well. I felt that we did a good job at laying out what the goals were for each level. I also thought that the goals were very clear cut and straightforward. If I just bought the game and was looking at what I needed to beat the game I would feel like I knew everything I would need to know to when the game.

            I felt that the rules were the hardest thing to explain. The reasons why I felt like that was because without really seeing a finished game in front of you explaining rules can be hard be just being told instead of seeing as well as being told. When reading the rules of the game type I feel if you have visuals showing you the rules of the game as well as being told them it helps you understand how the game will run and be played.

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