Three people stand on top of a mountain looking down into a valley. The first man said, “I bet this valley was created from a glacier.” The second man said, “I wonder if this valley could grow good crops for me.” The third and final man stood there and just said, “How beautiful.” In reality there is just one man standing on top of the mountain thinking and the “Three Men” represent the man’s thoughts. The “First Man” represented scientific thinking, the “Second Man” represented purposeful thinking, and the “Third Man” represented thinking of the arts. The point of this story is to show you how the brain thinks and to show you how all types of thinking is equal to one another and has an impact on everyone’s lives.
I am sure that most people who just read that story are thinking and want to know why in the world did I just waste there time by making them read that story. The reason why is because most people over look the arts and feel that it is not that important. I am the type of creative person who expresses their creativity in all types of arts but the main way I show my creativity is in music.
Ludwig Von Beethoven is one of the best-known classical musicians ever and is one person who influenced me the in music. The second would be the rock band Muse.
Beethoven’s Piano piece Für Elise is one of his most popular piano pieces. This song though many people might not see it has elements of Tension and Release. The Familiar in this song is the constant melody played throughout the song but changed just a little. The difference in this peace is when Beethoven drops the main melody completely and changes the mood and feel of the piece. Beethoven is very good at throwing in these random sections in his music that makes the listeners wonder why that section is in the piece. When I write music I always try to make a section that appears and sounds like it should not be there just like Beethoven because I feel it adds a whole new element to the experience of enjoying and listening to music. Almost every artist to an extent now uses this technique of having music that changes the mood at one point during the song.
In Muse’s hit song Time is Running Out they use the elements of Text and Subtext. This element is very popular in a lot of songs by Muse but especially in Time is Running Out. This song is about how our time is running out and there is not a lot we can do to stop it. The whole subtext of this song is that they are talking about the government. The most important impart of music to me is lyrics with meaning and messages the lyrics hold. Muse has meaning behind every song lyric which is why they play a huge role in my creativity in music. Rock Music first became popular because of subtext such as songs like Big Ten Inch…Record by Bull Moose Jackson and Rocket 88 by Ike Turner. Without text and subtext Rock Music could have never been and is a key reason why text and subtext plays such a huge impact on me.
Almost all of Muse and Beethoven’s music is Active and Didactic. You can look any piece by the two and realize that these two composers have a theme for the most part but they still leave there music up for people think and feel whatever there heart and mind desires. For instance, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony is one of his best works ever and you can make the music and theme what ever you want it to be. On the other hand you can have music like the song Apocalypse Please by Muse whose theme is to tell you to prepare for the end of the world. Theme is sometimes a very important part in music and other times the artist leaves the theme up for you to decided. When I write and play music some type of theme is always going through my head, which is why between Muse and Beethoven I get my influences.
Without music in my life I don't know where I would be. The one thing I do know is that I am a better person and will live a much better life with music and the arts in my life.
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