Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Blog 10: Written response to reading: FREAK FACTOR

Hey check this out

This article is writing by David Rendall and is all about discovering our uniqueness by flaunting our weakness. In his writings he tells you nine suggestions, which are:

1. What’s your problem?
2. What’s my problem?
3. Flawless: there’s nothing wrong with you
4. Forget It: don’t try to fix your weaknesses
5. Foundation: build on your strengths
6. Focus: You can’t do both
7. Fit: find the right spot
8. Freak: the Power of uniqueness
9. Freak factory: putting your quirks to work

The paper is just his nine suggestions that tell you why to do his suggestions so you can help get ahead in your job. I feel that his suggestions are valid because Rendall does a good job at explaining why he picked those nine suggestions.

Foundation: build on your strengths
            I feel that this suggestion by Rendall is very valid because he talks about how the things that we are strong at are things that we love and enjoy going. I would use this
In my creative process in lots of ways because I would find out what I enjoy doing and build all my strengths on it to be really good at it.

Forget It: don’t try to fix your weaknesses
            I feel that this suggestion is a little valid but at the same time not valid. I do agree with Rendall’s reasons for not trying to fix your weaknesses but at the same time I feel you need to try to address them in some way. I would use this in my creative process by not worrying about the things I am really bad at if it doesn’t really have a big deal with my job. If it did deal with my job though for a big part I would try to fix it.

Freak: the Power of uniqueness
            I really like this suggestion because I feel it might be the most valid out of all of them. I feel that just because some people view unique things as bad I feel that being unique might be the best because you stand out and can have a bigger impact. I would use this in my creative process by seeing being unique as a good thing.

  I find that my strengths are my dedication and determination in getting stuff done. I feel my weakness is my lack in skills in a lot of areas that we have been working on like character development.